Friday, March 4, 2011

Charlie, stupid fashion and masturbating pastors.

I guess I have been M.I.A. lately, and there really isn't a reason other than laziness. 

Perhaps I have been too busy watching that nut, Charlie Sheen.  Geez man, talk about letting it all hang out!  I honestly do not see what the big deal is and why this is front page news.  He is a fucking actor- what difference does it make how many people he is fucking and how much coke he toots?! 
I have to say I don't think his treatment of women seems acceptable, but that is not what people are bitching about.  No one is talking about how he objectifies women, they are only concerned that these women happen to be porn stars, right?  They only care about the drugs, sex and rock and roll lifestyle and how it bristles the religious right, but they don't give a shit about the man or his cohorts.  In fact, the media has made such a stink about this, plenty of people are profiting off his behavior (again) and no one is discussing the fact that as Americans, we are fascinated with and adore this kind of attention.  That's what celebrity is all about in this country.  I think its basically a bunch of haters on his ass because they can't dream of doing so much blow and fucking so many porn stars.  It comes down to the classic "Don't hate the playa, hate the game".

Speaking of playas, or wannabee playas, I cannot seem to figure out street fashion sometimes.  What the fuck is it with the stickers and tags being left on hats?!  How is that cool in any way?  So you basically want to advertise the size of your stupid head, or what?!  I see these fuckers everywhere and I just wanna toss their hats in the gutter.

Then this morning I am taking the BART wondering why this grown man was wearing some flashy ass teenage pants, sagging them as low as he possible could.  I didn't even know sagging was still in.  Anyways, the guy is having trouble walking because his pants are falling off his ass. Eventually he has to reach up and grab the rail for balance so his shirt comes up, exposing his white boxers.  Well, they were white, but they weren't clean.  The motherfucker was showing the world his boxers with a very distinct skid mark running up his crack.  The stupid asshole was telling the world he had shit himself, the whole while thinking he was pimping in his dumb outfit.  I almost said something, like "hey homie we can see your shit stains" but I figured I might get rocked in the mouth.

Oh yeah- getting rocked in the face.  For those of you who haven't seen me lately,  you probably didn't hear about me getting into a fight at a gay bar in Berkeley.  Yes- a gay bar in hippie ass Berkeley- you read that correctly.
This guy kept hitting on one of my friends and she turned him down politely.  Eventually she asked him if he was gay, and he took offense.  Never mind we are in a gay bar, BTW. Oh and I should mention the idiot has lightning bolts tattooed on his face. She realizes this guy is a douche so she makes her way back over to our group and that was the end of it, until the bar closed. 
As we are all walking out, he pushes a buddy of mine to the ground and puts his knee on his chest.   I still have no clue as to why- I suppose he was trying to show off in some childish manner? They start getting into it, so I went over and broke them up.  After breaking up what I thought was going to be a fight between them, I walk away and start talking to my roommate.  The next thing I know, I get a tap on the shoulder and a fucking sucker punch to the eye!  All hell broke loose and everyone started fighting as if a chair had been thrown into the Source awards. 
Eventually it was all broken up and I went home with a black eye and a fucked up hand as I am not used to punching people in the slightest.  My hands are delicate little things.
Seriously though, who the fuck gets into fights outside of gay bars in a peaceful community?!  This guy does. Fucking whiskey. 
Grant Storms Arrested

Look at this fucking guy.  He is an anti-gay, Christian pastor from Louisiana.  This cocksucker was caught jacking off in the close proximity of children in a playground.  So according to this guy, fags and dykes can't marry, or even be openly gay, but jacking off in public with children is OK?  This is his explanation:

"Pornography is destructive and it can ruin a person's life, and it ruined my life," he said at the conference, admitting that he had his hands in his pants, but maintaining that he wasn't masturbating. "Do I have problems? Yes. Did I do something wrong? Yes."

Really dude?  Porn?!  How could you blame good ole porn for your fucking problems?!  What a typical, conservative Christian.  I'm sure Jeebus would approve. 

Happy Friday y'all!