Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fatties, Russians and earthquakes.

So I work with a bunch of scientists as mentioned before and today it seems they concocted some kind of nutso drug in the lab this morning and tried it out.  There's this Russian who we shall call Victoria.  This woman is relatively new, but holy shit she is loud!  Every morning she is fired up about something or another as if we were working in politics or something.  She has an extremely thick accent and is constantly excited and perplexed with the way bureaucracy works in the state, overusing adjectives like "stupid" and "nonsense" while constantly eating eggs.  I don't know what her fascination with chicken reproductive cells, but she eats them at almost every meal and worse yet, she microwaves them.  yuck. 
reminds me of a bunch of Russians I used to go to school with as a kid.  I remember these guys would beat the shit out of each other, no holds barred without any interference from authority.  For some reason, they would start fighting amongst themselves and it would be dismissed: "Oh its just the Russians fighting again."  I remember these fools would kick the shit out of each other- literally.  For some reason kicking isn't fashionable in American street fighting and we aren't used to fighting a dude who is going to start by kicking your legs.  Well one time this kid kicked another so hard in the ass, shit came out.  The kid began convulsing and flailing about on the floor as he uncontrollably shit himself in pain.
Then another time a kid who none of us liked began shouting "Fucking Russians!" as he served food in the cafeteria until one day the little fat one popped him in the mouth, causing blood to flow into the Ravioli sauce.  Quite entertaining indeed. Victoria probably went to school with these kids- in fact it wouldn't surprise me if she was the little angry fatty.
As we speak, she sits in her office eating eggs and arguing with Donald about some chemicals they just ordered. Scientists get worked up over such minor things; one tweak and their world falls apart. She has an extraordinarily large ass which seems to grow with her time here in the states.

*Whoa, I just felt an earthquake that felt as if a bomb dropped.

Speaking of large asses, I read an interesting article today about a woman who lost 100 lbs and gained a "new life" or basically perspective.  It's always been clear to me that fat people get picked on and discriminated against quite a bit, especially women.  With the body image issues pop culture produces, many women end up feeling like shit about themselves because they don't look like (insert random hot chick here).  I ask myself if I would seriously date a fat girl, and my first question is, "how fat?".  I am not quite sure what to think about this.  I never considered myself shallow but I have definitely made light of people's weight, including my own.  In theory I would never turn down someone because they were fat, but I suppose its happened countless times.  I do have to be attracted to someone, but I find humor more attractive than a perfect set of tits (just barely).  This woman pointed out that usually fat people are funny in order to create effective walls. I mean really, fat jokes are pretty funny sometimes.  I just didn't quite realize how hurtful they are to people, especially women. 
It's easy for guys to have a beer gut and talk shit because its more "acceptable" and many women seem to overlook it even when they have maintained a slim figure.  It is one of the many double standards and advantages we, as men enjoy after having dominated society for so long.  At the end of her article she says:

"But when I lost weight, I was rewarded with membership in a club I never knew existed, where the benefits included better treatment, greater professional success and, above all, a new status as qualified participant in the social world including romantic relationships."

I never quite thought about it this way, but it is very disconcerting.  Club? Really?

While this woman's own perception is clearly that- her own, it seems this mentality plagues many people who fail for one reason or another to establish satisfying personal lives.

Still, I think people take themselves too seriously.  They don't even want to be called fat sometimes.  Especially the REALLY fat ones as they prefer large, or BBW or whatever.  How come all of them consider themselves big, BEAUTIFUL women, anyways?  Who told you that? 
You ain't gotta lie to kick it.

If and when I am fat, fuck it say "I'm a fatso".  I mean really, are you THAT sensitive?  Do you not look in the mirror?  OWN the fact you are fat and I think it would make people a little more secure with themselves. 

Here is that article, btw.  Check it out:

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